Friends hear from Everton Park

Team Tawd

Tree works herald town centre regeneration

The first phase of work on Skelmersdale’s town centre regeneration by project partners St. Modwen, West Lancashire Borough Council and Homes England will start in January bringing forward the long awaited development scheme.  Property developer St. Modwen will  start enabling works on the site in the heart of the town that will see 100,000 sq ft of town centre mixed-use (retail and leisure) accommodation delivered in phases.

The enabling work which will start in January will see the clearance of trees and shrubbery from the Town Centre zone of Tawd Park and will prepare the site for construction work for the town centre scheme to begin in the Spring of 2019.  The main construction work is anticipated to take 12 months to complete with the enabling works being completed by the end of February.

The scheme is moving forward following an agreement by West Lancashire Borough Council, who are working alongside St. Modwen and development partner Homes England, in the summer to secure funding that will see the delivery of  the long awaited £19 million project that has been proposed since 2007.

Plans for the town centre include extensive works  to the public realm, including improvements to the Tawd Valley and  a new pedestrian link between West Lancashire College and the Concourse Shopping Centre, as well as enhancements to the public areas outside the library and Nye Bevan Pool. The improvements will also link to the Tawd Valley and bring this into the heart of the new development.

Community orchard creation

Update on orchard progress

Over the last fortnight, the Ranger Service, working with Parks and Countryside Volunteer Rangers, student placements from Pontville School and West Lancs college and Team Tawd (the Friday group) to progress the community orchard.  Between them they have constructed 250m of path which links from the riverside to Manfield and passes through the new orchard. They have also built a bridge, which crosses to the next field.

On Saturday 3rd November the Friends of the Tawd and other volunteers scattered poppy and wildflower seeds and prepared the ground for when the fruit trees arrive. The poppy seeds are scattered as an end-of-WW1 commemoration.

The orchard is going to become a WW1 commemoration orchard and any suggestions for a name are welcome!


Water Environment Grant bid unsuccessful

We recently applied for a Water Environment Grant (WEG) to fund the installation of wetland areas in Tawd Valley – to clean up the water before it enters the river.  Unfortunately we were recently informed that our bid has been unsuccessful.    In all 316 applications were received by WEG which meant that they had bids for over three times the funding they had available, so obviously we had a lot of competition.

The WEG scheme provides funding to improve the water environment in Rural England, and although the installation of wetland areas in Tawd Valley would have helped the rural areas downstream, including the Douglas Valley, it was felt that our bid was not as strong as some others they received.

However, we have not given up on the project to install  new wetland areas in Tawd Valley Park and we have already opened discussions with other potential funders. We will keep you updated on how we progress.

Help create the new community orchard

Walk the Tawd with BetterPoints

Co-op team help Tawd transformation

Fourteen members of staff from the Co-op bank in Skelmersdale came to Tawd Valley Park for the day to help improve their environment. The team, from the Social Media Department spent the day rebuilding a set of steps near the stone bridge at bottom of Mill Street and litter picking.

We are very grateful for their hard work.

If any companies wish to carry out volunteer days as part of their Social Responsibility Programmes get in touch by calling 01695 622794.