Give your views on proposed new Leisure and Wellbeing Hubs

West Lancashire Borough Council is proposing to build two new Leisure and Wellbeing Hubs in Skelmersdale and Ormskirk. These will replace Nye Bevan Pool and Park Pool and will offer an exciting range of new activities.

The Council having a consultation on the proposals and wants your views!

The preferred location for the new Skelmersdale Leisure and Wellbeing Hub is on Ingram next to Asda. The Hub will replace Nye Bevan Pool which will only close once the new facility is ready to open.

In Ormskirk the proposal is to build the new Ormskirk Leisure and Wellbeing Hub on Churchfields. This will provide improved access for users from County Road (A59) and will also enable the existing Park Pool facility to remain open while the new Hub is being constructed. Once the new Hub building is open the existing Park Pool site will be returned to Parkland as part of a broader scheme to improve Coronation Park.

What do you think? Give your views at by 2nd August 2019.